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snippet: Mountain forests provide a range of services to mountain communities and to people outside mountain areas, and have a key role in the maintenance of...
summary: Mountain forests provide a range of services to mountain communities and to people outside mountain areas, and have a key role in the maintenance of...
_ssl: true
maxScale: 9244648.86862046
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This map was created by overlaying the data from Mountains of the World - 2002 with a global data set on percent tree cover. The percent tree cover data are taken from MODIS 1-km resolution percent tree cover data set, courtesy of University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility.
licenseInfo: 1) Adhere to terms and conditions of access, 2) acknowledge the source appropriately, 3) do not re-distribute part or all of data without contacting UNEP-WCMC.
title: tc_mtn_02g
type: Image Service
tags: ["Tree cover","Modis","global","dem","mountains"]
culture: en-US
name: tc_mtn_02g
minScale: 2.95828763795855E8
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984