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snippet: To provide a global context for a discussion of mountain forests, it is first necessary to define the locations and types of mountain forests, and this in turn...
summary: To provide a global context for a discussion of mountain forests, it is first necessary to define the locations and types of mountain forests, and this in turn...
_ssl: true
maxScale: 8313807.31412757
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: To produce this map, topographical data from the GTOPO30 global digital elevation model (USGS EROS Data Center 1996) were used to generate slope and local (5km radius) elevation range on a 30 arc-second grid of the world. These parameters were combined with elevation to arrive at the empirically derived definitions of the six mountain classes displayed on this map. (A spatial filter was applied to classify isolated individual 'non-mountain' grid cells in mountain areas according to the predominant class of their immediate neighbours.) The global mountain area thus defined totals 35.8 million km2, or 24% of the Earth's land surface.
licenseInfo: 1) Adhere to terms and conditions of access, 2) acknowledge the source appropriately, 3) do not re-distribute part or all of data without contacting UNEP-WCMC.
title: mtn_00m
type: Image Service
tags: ["mountains","global","dem","gtopo30","elevation"]
culture: en-US
name: mtn_00m
minScale: 2.66041834052082E8
spatialReference: Sphere_ARC_INFO_Mollweide